Beeline staff participates in Hackathon in Amsterdam

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Beeline staff participates in Hackathon in Amsterdam

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employees of Beeline, the member of the international group “Veon” are taking part in the “Veon” group's innovative competition DIGITHON, which has been held for the third time for employees from all 10 countries where the “Veon” is represented. International Hackathon DIGITHON is dedicated to creating digital products and services, or improving existing ones. At the first stage, the local competition is held in all ten companies of the “Veon”. The team from each country winning the first place will head to the global DIGITHON to the headquarters in Amsterdam.


Team staffing starts before arriving in Amsterdam and unlike local competition, it already brings together not only different departments, but also representatives of different countries and cultures. Upon arriving in Amsterdam, the 10 participating teams work on the product idea and prototype for the first 24 hours, with a presentation on the next day. This year, participants are working to create innovative digital services and products based on the new 5G technology. That's why the first-place team will go to Seoul - in the midst of Southeast Asian innovation, where 5G is live. The winning team is also given the opportunity to participate in organizing the next year's DIGITHON event.

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